Guilderland Police reports and records are available during business hours on the second floor of the police department.
Office Hours
Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(518) 356-1980 Ext. 1038 or 1030
You are encouraged to call first to see if your report is ready.
Incident reports are available in person during business hours. There is no charge for an incident report for complainants. For non-complainants incident reports must be obtained through a F.O.I.L. (Freedom Of Information Law) request. Requests can be made at the Guilderland Town Clerk's office during business hours.
Copies of accident reports are available in person or online. Reports are $4.00 in person and $8.00 if obtained online.
If your accident was after 07/18/2018 your report can be obtained at
If your accident was before 07/18/2018 your report can be obtained by calling (518) 356-1890 ext. 1038
Please be aware reports may take up to 5 business days.
Under Local Law No. 113-4, Alarm Suppliers are required to obtain a permit prior to any installation of an emergency alarm in the Town of Guilderland. The homeowner is NOT required to obtain a permit for installation.
Pistol Permits are available to pickup during business hours on the second floor of the police department. Applications are also available for download online.
Pistol Permit Safety Class Information
The Judges reviewing pistol applications in Albany County require that every applicant for a pistol permit must take a four-hour training class in pistol safety. Several organizations offer options for this class. Charges and locations vary, so please read class information carefully before making your selection.
You are required to submit a certificate showing completion of such class with your permit application. Albany County makes no endorsement of any particular training program and provides a list of classes solely for your information.
The Judges reviewing pistol applications in Albany County require that every applicant for a pistol permit must take a four-hour training class in pistol safety. Several organizations offer options for this class . Charges and locations vary, so please read class information carefully before making your selection.