How Do I Get A Copy Of A Police Incident or Accident Report?
Copies of reports are available usually after 5 business days after the report is taken, during town business hours 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the second floor of the police department. Accident reports are also available to purchase via credit card online. If your accident was after 07/18/2018 your report can be obtained at CRASHDOCS. If your accident was before 07/18/2018, you may call (518) 356-1980 ext. 1038 to obtain a report. For more information visit our Records & Reports section.
Where can I get information on sex offenders living in Guilderland?
Sex offender public notifications that are released by the Guilderland Police Department are posted on Offender Watch where residents can sign up for e-mail updates. Visit our Sex Offender page for more information.
I am going away on vacation, will the police watch my house for me?
Yes, call the non-emergency number 356-1501 and tell the dispatcher your going away. The dispatcher takes a property check form which is turned over to officers who will check your residence or business periodically while you're away. You will be required to provide some information such as dates you will be away, names and numbers of contact persons, key holders etc.
Will the police unlock my car if I lock my keys inside?
The Guilderland Police Department will assist with lockouts in emergency circumstances only. These include, if the vehicle is running or a child or animal is locked inside.
I need fingerprints taken for a job, pistol permit, adoption, license, can the police department help me?
Effective January 2010, The Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) no longer accepts inked fingerprint cards for civilian purposes such as pistol permit applications, employment, adoptions, and other applications. These fingerprints must now be submitted via live scan and only from agencies that participate in the civilian fingerprint submission program. The Guilderland Police Department does not participate in this program. For information on locations to obtain live scan fingerprinting, visit L-1 Identity Solutions.
Does the Guilderland Police install child safety seats in vehicles?
Yes. The police department has two individuals certified in car seat installation. Installation is done by appointment only. You can request a car seat install online or call (518) 356-1501 to have an officer to call you or fill out our online Child Safety Seat Installation Request Form.
How To I Get A Pistol Permit Application?
Pistol Permit Applications are available during business hours on the 2nd floor of the police department during business hour and also available online by visiting our Records & Reports page. Please see FAQ on new firearms law.
I Currently Have A Pistol Permit, What Do I Need To Know About The New Recertification Requirements?
New York State has implemented the pistol license recertification portion of the New York State Safe Act. As of January 1, 2017, residents of New York State possessing a handgun license will now have to recertify their handguns every five years as per New York State Penal Law 400.00 subsection 10(b). A licensee is required to confirm certain information such as your name, the current address of your residence, your date of birth, and a list of all pistols and revolvers you currently possess. This also includes the make, model, caliber and serial numbers of each pistol/revolver. Licensees who have a pistol license issued before January 15, 2013 must recertify their license before January 31, 2018. A failure to do so will result in a revocation of their license.
There are two options available for recertification:
Submit the recertification electronically at: OR
Obtain a paper recertification form and submit via U.S. mail to the address provided on the form. Recertification forms are available at:
The New York State Police website:
Any New York State Police location
All facets of this recertification are being handled by the New York State Police, local law enforcement and county agencies have no involvement. The New York State Police will be reviewing all recertifications and conducting audits accordingly. I was advised that pistol licenses may be reviewed as a result of these recertifications. There are no fees associated with this recertification. Any questions regarding the NYS Safe Act can be answered by calling: 1-855-LAW- GUNS
When is court held?
Traffic court is held on Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. and criminal court is Thursday evenings at 5:30 p.m.
Who do I call about court appearances or related actions?
Citizens often call the police department in regards to matters that must be addressed by the court. The police department can not adjust or change any court appearance, or adjust any fine or dismiss charges against a defendant. All such issues must be addressed by calling the court at (518) 356-1980.
There are a lot of speeders in my neighborhood. What can I do about it?
Call the Guilderland Police Department non-emergency number at (518) 356-1501. The call will be referred to Traffic Safety Unit. You may also send a non urgent message to the Traffic Safety Unit. We may try various methods for compliance including setting up a speed sign and increasing patrols in the area.
How Can I Become A Guilderland Police Officer?
The first step is to get on a certified civil service list for Albany County. Please check the Albany County Civil Service web site for details and exam announcements. The Guilderland Police also accept lateral transfers. Please refer to the Employment page for information and to download and application.
Can I get a photo ID from the police department?
The Guilderland Police Department no longer provides photo ID's. Non-Driver Photo ID's can be obtained through the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles for persons any age who do not have a drivers license.
What are the parking regulations for winter snow removal on town roads?
Town of Guilderland Local Law 267-11 regulates on-street parking for snow removal purposes. During the time period of November 1 to April 1, between the hours of 2 AM and 7 AM there is no parking on town roads.
Do I need to get a permit to install an alarm system in my home?
Under Local Law No. 113-4, Alarm Suppliers are required to obtain a permit prior to any installation of an emergency alarm in the Town of Guilderland.