It is the intent of the Guilderland Police Department to provide a positive interaction with those citizens that require police service. Often a citizen may want to send a compliment pertaining to one or more specific officers with regard to their experience but do not know who they should contact.
The Guilderland Police Department will investigate all complaints against department personnel, regardless of the source of such complaints.
Investigation of these complaints through standardized procedures will demonstrate the department's desire to provide honest, efficient police service and will inspire public confidence in its personnel. A regulated program of complaint review will also ensure the fair and impartial treatment of all department personnel who become subject to the professional standards procedure.
A citizen complaint is defined as that action taken by a citizen to bring to the attention of the department any police action or inaction that the citizen considers to be contrary to the law, proper procedure, good order, or in some other manner prejudicial to the citizen, the department, or to the community as a whole.
Anonymous complaints are welcome, however, it may become difficult to thoroughly investigate allegations without the ability to further interview the complainant. There is an anonymous option on the citizen complaint form.