The Guilderland Police Department is a New York State Accredited Agency located in the Town of Guilderland, Albany County, New York and borders the City of Albany, and the Towns of Colonie, Rotterdam, New Scotland, Bethlehem, Knox, and Princetown. The department was established in 1972 and received its accreditation recognition from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services in September of 2009. It has successfully been reaccredited in 2014 and 2019.
The police department is composed of 43 sworn members who make up the sworn staff of the police department along with 10 telecommunicators, 3 administrative office staff members, 2 court attendants, 2 animal services members, and a volunteer Chaplain. It is a 24 hour department that serves over 35,000 residents and covers approximately 62 square miles of rural, residential and commercial areas.

Daniel P. McNally
Chief of Police
Serving Since 1988
Joseph R. DeVoe
Serving Since 2012

Matthew P. Egnor
Serving Since 2014

The Guilderland Police Department, in partnership with the community we serve, is committed to enhancing the quality of life in the Town of Guilderland by protecting life and property, maintaining order and impartially enforcing the law while upholding the human and constitutional rights of those we serve. To fulfill our mission we will, at all times, conduct ourselves with the highest ethical standards, professionalism and integrity.