Chief Dan McNally has issued the 2023 Guilderland Police Department Annual Report. Each year the annual report focuses on the activities of the department throughout the year highlighting training, new hires, retirements, program goals and achievements, community services activities, criminal investigations and police department statistics.
New Promotions
Newly Sworn Officers

The Guilderland Police Department is pleased to announce the following promotions and newly sworn officers who were all
sworn in on June 28, 2024. Sergeant Matthew Egnor was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Officer Matthew McCaffrey was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Newly sworn police officers: Officer Steven Clermont a lateral transfer from the Troy Police Department. Officer Matthew Iuorno a lateral transfer from the Albany County Sheriff’s Office. Officer Christian Cooper a lateral transfer from the North Greenbush Police Department. Congratulations to all!
Guilderland Police 50th Anniversary Memorabilia Available
The Guilderland Police began patrolling the streets of Guilderland in 1972 with a small police force in a rural town. As the Town has grown so has the Guilderland Police Department, which now has 41 members from the Chief of Police down to Patrol Officers. This summer to commemorate 50 years of serving our community, the Guilderland Police Department held two special events. The first was at DiCaprio Park in June and the second was a combined event with National Night Out at Tawasentha Park, Members of the Guilderland Police Department celebrated with our community, 50 years of dedicated service by the men and women of the Guilderland Police.
To mark this milestone, the Guilderland Police are selling challenge coins and patches while supplies last. The coins are $8.00 each or 3 for $20.00 and the patches are $5.00 each. Payment is accepted by cash, check or money order payable to Town of Guilderland. Memorabilia is available for pickup only in the police Chief's office, on the second floor of the police department, Monday-Friday 9am-4pm.
50th Anniversary Patch

50th Anniversary Challenge Coin

